Picture Catch Up and Updates

The kids started virtual learning last week and it has been an unmitigated disaster. And it has no end in sight…but I digress 😊

The good in it is that they are less likely to get sick since they are home. The bad parts are that it is very disorganized so far and the parents are all frustrated. Fail to plan, plan to fail, and it seems like the planning wasn’t put into this endeavor and it shows. Ok now I really digress 🤭

Here are some cute recent photos of the trio:


They are certainly a handful. But they have adjusted well to this “new abnormal” and they are still enjoying each other’s company (instant playmates).

The dynamics have changed between the three recently. Christopher used to be really tight with Michaela but now he is really tight with Emma and has excluded Michaela at times. We have intervened when we see him do it.

Christopher has been attending speech therapy appointments. He’s progressing nicely but it has been challenging to break some bad habits. As parents it’s hard for us to get him to accept correction as we are mom and dad – par for the course though. The teacher is impressed with how hard he works during their appointments. And he is already starting to win her over with his charm. He even made a gift for her and brought it to her. How cute is that?

Michaela is very bright. Learning really comes easy to her. She sounds out words when reading, can count to 100 and beyond, and is very expressive when drawing during craft time. Kindergarten will be a breeze for her, despite this crazy distance learning setup.

They all get to work with grandma when they go visit, so that has made a tremendous difference. While what happens at grandma’s stays at grandma’s, it’s not all fun, ice cream, treats and pampering – a lot of learning happens.

That’s all folks!
